Warning: You may want to grab a cup of coffee, this is a loooong post.
As we draw to a close on 2012 I thought I would take a minute and reflect upon the year.
But before I start I want to thank Rosemary, Tamara, Nancy, Amy and Lisa for all their hard work and dedication to the store. I really could not do this without you. In fact each of you deserves an award for just putting up with me. (yeah, Tamara may finally get an award; then I won't have to hear the whining and pleading for one)
I also want to thank each and everyone of you that came and shopped at our
store and supported us. It means a lot to me that you would choose to
spend your precious time and money with us.
feel privileged that you share your joys and sorrows with us, that you
come to the store when you are feeling down to make yourself feel
better, that you "hang out" with us and that you are so enthusiastic
about the things you make and create. You inspire us to do better!
This year has been a fun year with lots of new products being delivered including some really cool mixed media products. In fact I think we had deliveries most days. We have had to reorganize the store multiple times to get it all in. (Thanks Nancy)
We introduced a new Design Team and they are making some of the most impressive projects. If you haven't come in to see them you are missing out!
We have had some fabulous classes and we had some amazing Guest Teachers this year including:
Anna Dabrowska
Cheryl Mezzetti
Dyan Revealey
Kathy Orta
Nathalie Kalbach
Nathalie Métivier
Wendy Vecchi
I applied to, was accepted and graduated Ranger U.
A very exciting moment in my Life
Thanks to Tim Holtz for picking me and Ranger for hosting this amazing life changing event.
I even managed a quick visit to New York and got inspired.
I taught on a Cruise Ship
that was sailing to the Caribbean
(and I am doing it again this year)
I learned how to use my GPS on my smart phone this year and it saved me a lot of driving time
so between dreaming up classes, teaching, buying products, running a store and traveling it is no wonder I am always tired!
But, it has not always been rosy. On the down side: I have lost friends and time with my family. The crafting industry has shrunk with the closure of some great manufacturers and a lot of independent Scrapbook/Stamp Stores and well as other Mom and Pop stores have closed their doors.
But onto 2013 . . . . . . .
But onto 2013 . . . . . . .
So while I was driving to visit family this Christmas season I had time to reflect on the passing of 2012 and dream about what could be in 2013. . . . a Word picked me this year and that word is
If you don't know about One Little Word
Ali Edwards started it in 2006. The explanation is in her words.
"A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can be sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow. From my own personal experience, it can be a catalyst for enriching your life.In 2006, I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January—a word that I can focus on, meditate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life. My words have included play, peace, vitality, nurture, story, light and up. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another. They've been embedded into who I am, and into who I'm becoming. They've been what I've needed (and didn't know I needed). They've helped me to breathe deeper, to see clearer and to grow. "
you can find out more about Ali Edwards here: Ali Edwards

Without giving all our secrets away . . . We are going to completely redesign the website and blog, (you will even be able to sign up and pay for classes online). We plan on making videos and having online demos. We have a Fall Retreat planned. We have some fabulous classes already on the calendar and more on the way, (I am soooo excited to share my Urban Graffiti Series) and much much more . . . . . .
I am very excited for 2013 and what it will bring,
So the 2013 word for both me and the store is CHANGES, oh and my number for 2013 is 2
Happy New Years Eve
I wish everyone much happiness in 2013